A Musical Comedy for Kids and the Young at Heart Performed by the Hellenic Arts Theatre's Youth Group, directed by Stavros Economides, with original music by Dimitris Fotiadis. A group of protesting students are fed up with school, homework, exams etc., until Ti-Fi, a little robot from outer space, comes into their lives. They see him as a solution to all their problems. He is willing to help them, but the children take it too far. Ti-Fi is abducted by secret agents and the kids set outto get him back. Ti-Fi teaches them important lessons that will change their lives forever.
24/5/2013 7pm
25/5/2013 5pm
26/5/2013 5pm
Mantouridion Greek Theatre
Greek Cultural Centre,
Building 36, 142 Addison Rd Marrickville
Cost $15
Evelyn 0413989007
Melpo 95198104
Language Greek
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