As there is such a high demand for accommodation that provides a hostel level of care, it is important to ensure that units are offered to those people assessed as having the greatest need.
There are a number of steps in the allocation process, as illustrated in the diagram overleaf.
Firstly, each prospective resident can discuss their situation with the Manager, who will explain all the details of the project and make some initial enquiries about the person's circumstances. At this stage, there may also be the opportunity to inspect one of the rooms.
Should the person then decide to register their interest to live at the "Greek Orthodox Community Hostel for the Aged", and they are in need of a hostel level of care, they are referred to a Geriatric Assessment Team, authorised by the Commonwealth Department of Health, Housing and Community Services. All residents of the "Greek Orthodox Community Hostel for the Aged" must be eligible under the Commonwealth guidelines to receive a hostel level of care and this can only be determined by this authorised assessment procedure.
The applicant is required to provide information regarding their income and assets so that their Weekly Fee and Premium can be established (means tested).
In addition to eligibility for hostel level of care there are other guidelines for the selection committee, including the following:-
1 Not less than 38% of the units being allocated to financial disadvantaged residents
2 Residents must be of Greek Origin
Once an applicant's priority has been established, they will be made an offer as soon as a vacancy occurs.
The offer will be made in the form of a letter. The applicant will then have a limited time (14 working days) in which to accept or turn down the offer. If the offer is accepted, full legal documentation will be forwarded for signature and independent legal advice sought if you have any queries about the documents. Details as to when occupancy can take place should be discussed with the Manager of the Greek Orthodox Community Hostel for the Aged.
A registration of interest list is maintained by the Manager for those are not yet ready to move, but wish to be considered for accommodation at the Greek Orthodox Community Hostel for the Aged in the future.
Those on the interest list are under no obligation, but their listing does ensure that they will receive early consideration should their needs change.